Green spicy tangy juice is a healthy drink loaded with lots of iron and carotene content. This juice is a good summer drink too with lots of immune booster properties and with raw mangoes in season, this is a must try summer drink. This drink brings back the sweet memories of my motherhood when I was carrying my twins. This green juice (without sugar) was my routine drink for complete nine months. I was adviced by doctor to take lots of iron rich juice. This was paired with pomegranate and brahmi juice in my routine. Spinach is a good source of iron, folic acid, vitamin A and E, fibre rich. In this recipe with few changes like adding carrot, red rock candy or kallusakkare and raw mango extract; makes it even more tasty and healthy. Carrots are high in beta carotenes, antioxidants, fibre. Adding carrot gives a sweetish and healthy twist to this green spicy tangy juice. Lets see the recipe of this simple juice that can be a summer drink or a daily drink with lots of health benefits
Course: Juices
Cuisine: Indian
Preparation time: 5 mins
Cooking time: 10 mins
Serves: 2 nos
Spinach or palak leaves (blanched) – 1 cup
Carrot cooked – ½ cup
Raw mango extract – 2 tbsp
Red rock candy or kallu sakkare powder – 2 tbsp
Black pepper powder – 1 tsp
Salt – ½ tsp
Water as required
Ice cubes – ½ cup (optional)
- Take a blender, add blanched spinach leaves, cooked carrot, red rock candy powder. Blend into fine paste.
- Add required quantity of water, raw mango juice, salt and black pepper powder. Mix well
- Pour into glass with ice cubes, serve chill or serve as it is.
My Notes:
Raw mango extract preparation: Raw mango (small variety) is cooked in boiling water, skin is peeled and pulp is removed. This pulp is pureed and used.
The amount of red rock candy, salt and black pepper powder depends on individual taste.
Adding ice cubes is optional
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Healthy and amazing drink
thank you so much
Such healthy dose of ingredients. Cheers to good health!
thank you so much Vidya
thank you so much!!